Monday, December 6, 2010

Warning-Warning-Warning-TMI Post!-Warning-Warning-Warning

Well, my beloved readers, I will be making this short. I have been cursed by the good Lord himself. I am having a terrible case of the "Random Shits". This affliction took hold of our household this weekend. I cleaned many pairs of disgusting underpants from the children. (When I say clean, I mean baggged in a bio-hazard container and blew them to smithereens. I ain't putting shit in my washer.)

Well, apparently, this was just an "appetizer" of sorts. Curtis and I were blessed with the "Random Shits." What does that entail, you are no doubt wondering? So I'll tell a little TMI to pique your obviously disgusting mind. This means through out the night, while you're in a deep, deep sleep, you will hear a disturbing sound emanating from your stomach. At this point, you better get into the bathroom, ASAP, or you will be doing a lot of midnight linen washings.

So, if you survive the war that is between your stomach and colon through the night, the day will only get worse. In the morning, you will either have to go to work or start dropping all the children off at school. (No pun intended.) Here's where the Random comes in. You could be for instance, standing in a preschool hallway dropping off your descendants when you feel the rumble. By the time the sound hits your ears, if you're not already sitting on the toilet, it may be too late. That or you will make it by an eyelash and then proceed to destroy a toddler toilet. I will say that the flushing power on that tiny can was amazing! Took only one flush!

The smell would probably be equal to Agent Orange, but class has probably started, so you should be able to sneak out. Making the other teachers point fingers at each other while gagging. Gosh, I hope none of them read this. If so, it was my husband. I haven't eaten anything today but 2 Diet Cokes. Curtis forced some food down, but he'll be regretting it soon enough I'm sure.

Now onto less disgusting news; as you remember I had to put my cat, Timmy to sleep recently. And remember that I talked about the animal clinic sending me a nice card and a gigantic geranium? Well today, I received this:

Click picture to embiggen.

Click picture to embiggen.

Click picture to embiggen.

I mean, that amazes me. Can you believe the love this doctor and his staff show to their clients? It blew me away. I'm so touched and thankful that they did this. I just adore Dr. Dwight Thomas and his staff. There are still great people in this horrible world.


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