Friday, February 25, 2011

A Short List

A Short List of Things I Hate:

  1. Marshmallow Peebles cereal. I thought Barney Rubble wouldn’t steer me wrong. That son of a bitch must have taste buds equal to Fred’s asshole. This cereal was total shit. I took one bite and spit it out then dumped a full bowl into the trash. Vile, just vile.

  1. The woman who picks up her kids from school in her karate / tae kwon do costume (uniform?). “Oh look at me; I’m an orange belt at picking up my kids at school.” Lady, get out of your pajamas and join the rest of the adults the real world.

  1. Steampunk. In my opinion, Steampunk is really just a goth kid with a brain injury that makes him think it’s the Victorian Era. Same shit, different dorks.

  1. Lady Gaga. Listen, I like her music, I just can’t stand her schtick. She’s led a pretty nice life growing up and I’m to believe she went through the shit my brother or I went through. I call shenanigans. I think she’s trying to hard to keep her gays loyal. But who am I? I just listen to the music, not consult, no never again.

  1. How All of Burt’s Bees Lip Balms stink to high hell and that sucks because it works amazingly, just stinks.

And that’s it for tonight! Tomorrow I meet one of my favorite authors and get to hang out with my favorite brother. If anyone wants to join us or me, let me know! All friends are welcomed. Come and help me have some fun in the Lou.


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