Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sweet Dreams

Thanks to this everlasting cold and the kidney issues I’ve had recently I have been pretty sleep-deprived. So I’ve been drugging myself nightly in hopes of finding the illusive thing that is slumber. Because of the mass drugging (NyQuil, Melatonin, Benedryl and etc.) I have been having bizarre dreams.

Edgar and Me Go to the Zoo

I have a friend from high school named, Matt Edgar. He is lovingly referred to as Edgar. He is amazing! He is hilarious. He is kind to animals. He hates people. He is brilliant in the brains department AND he loves snakes and other reptiles. So, now that you know about Edgar here is what happened in my dream two nights ago:

Edgar is a herpetologist at the wonderful St. Louis Zoo. He has told me numerous times to let him know when I’ll be at the zoo and he’ll show us around…VIP style!

So in this dream I get to the zoo and met up with Edgar. We catch up and chitchat. Then he takes me to the Big Cat area, which I LOVE! (I want to be a Big Cat Keeper when I grow up! I would snuggle those kitties until they mauled me. That’s how I plan to die, FYI!)

He takes me into this room with all of these deformed kittens and in walks a teacher I had in Pre-Med. I never went to Pre-Med classes. I signed up, but switched schools, got married, got knocked up, and then wrote this. So I don’t know how I knew she was a former teacher, but I just knew. It’s a dream let’s move on.

Then Edgar says, “Later.” And leaves me with this weirdo and I get the vibe we are going to be doing some experiments on these cats. Luckily I woke up before anything else happened. As I was rubbing my eyes I thought, “Fuck you, Edgar.”


Sweet dreams, kiddies!


If I can remember any more dreams, I'll be sure to post them. They are messed up!

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