Friday, November 12, 2010

Controversial Blogging Inside!

Drop ßThat’s from Ty he typed it when I walked away from the computer. Don’t bother trying to figure it out; that kids mind is like a Rubik’s Cube! On to me and my brains…mmmm brains…sorry, here we go.


The following post is super duper long. The following post is sure to ruffle feathers. I will not be mad if you feel like the post is too long to read. I will not be mad if you yell at me about your opinions on my opinions. I do not want to debate though. That’s why this is a blog, not a chat! But I love every one who reads this blog and I hope you’ll continue to love me too!

Okay, I’m totally for gay people. I dig em, seem to attract em and I love em. I totally feel for gay people who are bullied for being gay. It’s ridiculous and unnecessary. I think the abuse and bullying needs to stop, sooner rather than later. And I know it “gets better”. How do I know that it “gets better”? Well, because I’m an internet user and I am being bombarded with these videos from celebrities and “celebrities” that tell people all about how much better it gets.

I am so lucky to have a fantastic little brother who by chance is gay. I’ve known that he was gay since he was ummmm about 3 or 4 probably. Didn’t care, loved and love him. He’s always been one of my best friends. We even did a whole routine to ‘Vogue’, which still didn’t seem to help my parents with this discovery.  (We were like pre-teens, it wasn’t done like last week. Although maybe we should do a revival. Mental note made.)

Anyhow, I’ve seen through his eyes the pain that one goes through when they aren’t accepted 100%. And I witnessed the abuse by our peers on my brother and I did and will always defend him. Not because he’s gay, but because he’s blood. He is me. I am him.

But something has been bothering me about the “It Gets Better” campaign. You can ask anyone that knows me, about my support of anything relating to gay rights and I’m even for gay marriage, or marriage, why does gay have to be included? I’m not looking for a marriage debate. I have my opinion, just like you. Deal, I do.

What I’m taking forever to say is, I’m not gay, but I’ve been bullied. I was bullied for being fat. I watched people being bullied for being smart, unattractive, not athletic, too small, too tall, being autistic. Bullies are bullies. I just dislike the sudden interest in gay bullying. Yes, that needs to stop. But all bullying needs to stop.

I get that in recent months there has been a lot of suicides due to gay harassment and abuse. But what about the fat kid that hung himself in the closet with his belt. Or the emo kid who cuts their self to deal with the pain of bullying? How about the computer kid who feels the need to escape to the land of video games to push through the pain of being abused by their peers? Screw the “It Gets Better” geared toward gays. How about a campaign to help everyone realize that you are not alone?

We’ve all been there. And if you haven’t, you’re probably the cause of someone else’s pain. Think about what you do or did. Are you hurting someone because they aren’t just like you? Yeah, I thought so. Try watching the show “If You Really Knew Me” on MTV just once and I promise you’ll connect with those kids.

I’m 32 years old and I still feel the sting of junior and senior high school abuse. I was fat, ugly and smart. And I was bullied so many times, that I still have nightmares about it. I had gastric bypass surgery 6 years ago because of the abuse I suffered at the hands of my peers. And guess what, the bullies have no memory of being a bully. In fact, I’d guess that the celebrities that make some of the videos were bullies; they just didn’t consider themselves that way. Or maybe they wear rose-colored glasses like some of the people I went to school with.

In short, let’s try to stop bullying altogether. Why do we need to make categories of hate? Hate and abuse is hate and abuse. Please don’t make Stop Gay Bullying the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign of bullying awareness. We all know how I feel about that!


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