Monday, November 1, 2010

A Post Filled With Outrage

As you all know, I live in a small dump of a town, Mount Vernon, Illinois. I hate it as much as one person can hate a town. I like the people I know, I hate the ones I don’t and would prefer to live in a real city. This dump doesn’t even have a Starbucks. NO STARBUCKS. It’s insane. Normally this would suffice as a blog post, but there is so much more to today’s post.

We worked really hard on the kid’s costumes. Well, not really the twins, but they are so passé, and wanted to be Tinkerbell and Spidergirl. They were easy peasy. Now, Alexis wanted to be a TV judge, so that was fun putting it together, since we all know that I love TV judge shows. She looked sweet!

Ty has said that he wanted to be a Robot Policeman for months. He never wavered. We tried to get him to consider Luigi or Spiderman, nope. This kid was Robocop Version 2010. Curtis and I made his costume from scratch. Hey, we’re no special effects artists, but it looked super cute. Check them out:


SOOOO we get them all ready to rock. Hair was dyed and curled. Glow sticks were illuminated and placed around necks. Tote bags were passed out, pictures taken; Daddy grabbed the big pillowcase for candy over flow. Off we go to the first house on the street with the light on out front. They seemed a little shocked that we were there, but it was probably because it was still early, a little before 7. Onto the next house, which seemed a bit to walk between houses without porch lights on. This old lady answered and said, “I don’t have any candy left. You’re a day late. Sorry.” And slammed her door.

We were all, like hmmm. Then we looked down the street and there was darkness. Since we’re not from this trash town, Curtis called a co-worker and unbeknownst to people who do not own a red neck, Mount Vernon had Halloween on Saturday.


Our kids were troopers and no one whined a bit. Maybe it’s because we took them in costume to Wal-Mart and filled the cart with all kinds of candy goodness for them. So they still got the sweets but we got the bill. Do you think I should send the receipt to the Mayor? Why are we no longer celebrating Halloween on Halloween? The whole school district is closed today, so the kids didn’t have to be in bed early. What the hell is the world coming to?

Worst Halloween EVER! Curtis and I did watch The Walking Dead together though and that was awesome. I don’t want to wait another week to see more! Screw you Halloween 2010, you sucked.


  1. I'm guessing that nobody came to your house on Saturday then?? That is ridiculous that they have to change it for no real reason!

  2. would think there would be info in the local paper or from school....this is as bad as the places that make you trick or treat in the middle of the afternoon. Thankful podunk troy,mo hasn't caught on.
