Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Children Are Superheroes! Maybe.

How come when I call my children to come to me for whatever reason, say to pick up toys, they seem to be deaf? Sure everyone has talked about their selective hearing, but I don't think it's selective...I think it's that children adapt to their environment.

I can be in the bathroom, hollerin' for one of the kids to get me a roll of toilet paper but I get zero response. I know they're standing right outside the door, I can see their sticky fingers under it wiggling around. So now I'm forced to use a discarded tissue to finish my business. Don't snicker, we've all had to use trashcan contents at one time or another. Don't judge it, because I know you've done it too.

However, if I walk into the kitchen while all 4 kids are in the backyard in a thunderstorm with headphones on and open the freezer to THINK about quietly eating an ice cream bar, They kick the backdoor in, the twins rappel in like the FBI and I'm forced to the ground while Ty is screaming at me through a bullhorn asking if they can all have one.

BTW, only a mother will give up the last ice cream bar and somehow manage to divide it evenly between 4 children. A mother would do this, because she is old enough to drive (hopefully) out to the gas station in the middle of the night to get more ice cream. Of course once she returns to the car, at least one child will have popped up in the backseat to scare the mother half to death. Thus forcing her to have to share the treat lest it melts into her tears and is wasted.

Where was I? Oh right, I think children have excellent hearing and snack makers have made sure to make wrappers uncrinkling to the exact decibel that sends children into sugar rage. Of course my dumb kids eat my hidden fruits, so how do they know how to find it? Excellent sight...another post I think is warranted!

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