Monday, October 25, 2010

One Free Walmart Post!

You didn’t think I would go a week without talking about my favorite place on Earth, did you? I had a return to make, a costume that Addyson changed her mind on, and I walked to customer service to see one woman at the counter and I was next. Since my morning was spent waiting for a gold tire for my SUV (more on that later) I was a little rushed to finish my errands and get the twins from school.

Anyhow, I watched the cashier put the lady’s check into the electronic flippy check jobber, and the thing kept spitting it out and saying some sort of error. Even the register could tell this lady was sketchy. But the cashier kept trying to convince the register to please just take the damned check.

Meanwhile, I’m swaying and grunting my disdain for the situation at hand and now a line of 6 customers behind me has developed. It started looking like the day after Christmas at the ole Mart. And of course, there was only one keeper of the register keys on duty. I also need to mention that between the old woman shaking from the nicotine withdrawal from her extended stay in the line and the insane mutterings of a obvious crazy cat lady she kept mentioning that she needed to put some of the check onto some sort of phone card or something, I don’t understand the poor leeches of our society.

Well, of course, idiot cashier didn’t do that once the stupid check was forced through. This caused smelly crazy cat lady to stop muttering and start yelling about now having to pay $2 to have the card loaded. At this point I was wishing I were loaded. This nut bag was ranting and raving over $2. (I bet if I moved the Coinstar machine in the corner two feet from the wall, I could pay the damn fee for her. Lord knows I wasn’t giving up the two bucks I had in pennies in my purse, she was smelly!)

The cashier, who has over 20 years of service – it said so on her badge, congrats! Enjoy your 20 year gift of crazy people in line – started to panic. At this point, her line was at least 10 angry people deep. So she started yelling for the manager, she was so nervous she couldn’t seem to remember how to use the phone to page a manager, so she just started screaming for Kathy. Hopefully Kathy is the manager and not the cashier’s imaginary friend.

So Kathy, or a lady with one of those keys with the elastic key chain around her bicep, rushed in and waived the $2 fee, by scribbling some gibberish on a scrap of paper and jammed it in the change drawer. I guess nervous cashier forgot how to write at this point. Then Kathy helped me and I ran home to write this tale!

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